Worship Service

For many people, their first encounter with a church is during the Sunday Morning worship service. This is where most people get a feel for the church's culture, beliefs, and practices. Our goal is that everyone will feel a very real connection with God, with His people, and with our mission. We hope that through joyful fellowship, energizing worship, and practical messages, our hearts are shared and our God is glorified. Sunday morning worship is often the first step in the process of becoming a fully mature disciple of Jesus Christ. 

Southview’s Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:15 am. 

Children's Church and Nursery

Children 3 years to 5th grade are invited to attend Children's Church (during sermon time) in the building across the lot.  

Kids will have a chance to connect with other children their age, enjoy an interactive lesson geared just for them, worship & praise time, and a fun activity.  

The Nusery is equipped with friendly and amazing volunteers and is available for children 0-2 years old. It is located just west of the sanctuary on the leftside of the hallway.

Coffee Corner

At Southview we value community and time with each other. One Sunday each month we take an extra 30 minutes in between sunday school and the worship time to connect with each over a cup of coffee and snacks. This is a great time for visitors to attend as well as for current members to share a time of fellowship.

The coffee corner starts at 10:00 am. The worhip service starts a little later at 10:30 am on those Sundays. Meet us in the fellowship hall at the west end of the building

See our calendar for Coffee Corner Sundays.